Or died Jan 5, 1931 according to Member of Bell Family Tree owned by FCAPASTOR2.
Mary Christine Schardt was born on July 21, 1885 in Saukville, Wisconsin, to Peter Schardt and Mary Anna Bell.
In the 1905 Wisconsin census, she was described as single, living as a step-daughter with her mother Mary and her stepfather John B Green in Saukville, along with Lucy A Green, Michael N Green, John M Green, Kathrine C Schardt, and Anna M Schardt.
She married Francis Rooney on October 12, 1916 in Milwaukee.
They had three daughters:
- Loretta (born about 1921)
- Dorie Ann (born about 1925)
- Mary Jane (born about 1930)
In the 1930 census, she was living in Milwaukee with her husband Frank and their three children. In the 1940 census, she was living in Muskego, Wisconsin, with her husband Frank, who was a painter, and their three daughters, Loretta Parney,19, Dorie Ann, 15, and Maryjane, 10.
Mary Christine died at age 77 on April 14, 1963, in Muskego, Wisconsin. The website http://www.wisconsinancestors.com/nws_Schae.html indicates that an obituary for Francis P Rooney, husband of Mary Christina, was published in the 1960s. His gravestone, in St Mary’s Cemetery in Greenfield, Wisconsin, indicates that he was born in 1885 and died in 1960.
Zimmer/Wolf/Adam/Barth Family Tree owned by sandz4321 of Wisconsin